
October 2024 - Walden Countryside's news

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Walden Countryside AGM and History of Noakes Grove

Friday 4th October at Sewards End Village Hall 7.30pm

The formal AGM should not take long (we hope). The main documents are online and can be read in` advance of the meeting:


Light refreshments and a chance to sample our Scotch Patch apple juice. This will be followed by an illustrated talk on the history of Noakes Grove: a few acres that has had the same name since 1400.


Apple juice at the AGM

Apple tree kids

Our Wild Child group met at Scotch Patch in mid-September and harvested large quantities of our local apple varieties,

Then everyone adjourned to mash the apples and press the juice from them.

Scotch Patch is our smallest reserve, it is part of the Ellis Green Local Wildlife Site. You can visit the whole site any time you like. Click here for a description and map of the site (opens new page).

Our pure (no pesticides) apple juice will be on sale at the AGM on Friday 4th October at Sewards End village hall.

Photos: Sophie Cotrell
apple pressing

New: a really big Local Wildlife Site that allows public access!

Uttlesford has 286 LoWS (Local Wildlife Sites) which is more than any other district in Essex. Most are fairly small and "private no entry" except those that are Forestry Commission woods or roadside wildflower verges.

The new LoWS is Carver Barracks Wimbish - click here (opens new page) which has a rich chalkland flora and an exciting range of insect life. The entrance is directly opposite the track to Rowney Wood (also a LoWS) but there is no sign saying that the public may enter. Apart from times when the red flag is flying you may visit on foot and explore a wonderful habitat.

At 63 hectares, the new Local Wildlife Site is the almost twice the total size of the six nature reserves in north Uttlesford. (Three Essex Wildlife Trust reserves plus Walden Countryside's three)

To find the details of all the local LoWS in any of our local parishes click here.

This aerial photo shows the new Local Wildlife Site at Carver Barracks. Only the grasslands and scrub are included, not the runways.

Carver LoXS

Google Earth photo

Sunday 27th October

At Noakes Grove from 10am to 3pm

Continuing work on the bramble bushes which have grown so much that they are converting places that should be open areas for wildflowers into impenetrable scrub.

Children's activities at Noakes Grove

Which of these groups of children have you seen enjoying themselves at Noakes Grove?


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Copyright 2024
Organic Countryside Community Interest Company
Trading as Walden Countryside

Company number 06794848 - registered in England
VAT No: 947 3003 31

23 Tye Green, Wimbish CB10 2XE

01799 599 643

Updated 28 Sept 2024