Want to be a shareholder in Noakes Grove?
Walden Countryside is a community interest company
That means it is a normal limited company, the only difference is that CICs exist to benefit the community rather than pay dividends to their shareholders.
While we depend on the donations and voluntary work of over 200 "friends" it is the 45 shareholders who have provided the capital that has bought Noakes Grove for the CIC.
Although generous shareholders provided much of the cost of Noakes Grove, we still have a loan that enabled the purchase to be completed and which we need to repay.
If you would like to become a shareholder (minimum "investment" £100 which will pay for 25 sq metres of Noakes Grove), please contact info@walden-countryside.co.uk for all the information you need.
Being a shareholder is like being a life-member of Walden Countryside except that your membership can live on if you leave or give your shares to someone else.
PS our reserves at Kings Field and Scotch Patch are not owned by us: we have a tenancy agreement for Kings Field while Scotch Patch is managed by us in an agreement with the owners