Noakes Grove Species Records  

We are trying to compile a list of all the wildlife species that live in Noakes Grove (whether as permanent residents or visiting species).

This page lists those groups of plants and animals for which we have at least some records. Click on the group that interests you and you will see a list of known species. There will also usually be click through links to photographs and more details of each species..

If you discover a species at Noakes Grove which is not on this list please email us and, it possible, attach a photo of the plant of animal concerned

Sub group
Existing records
Algae Records not yet compiled
Lichens Records not yet compiled
Fungi Records not yet compiled
Mosses & Liverworts Records not yet compiled
Ferns None present
Conifers None present
Flowering Plants Trees
Herbaceous flowers
Reptiles & Ambhibians
Fish None present
Insects wingless orders Records not yet compiled
Other winged orders Records not yet compiled
Non-insect invertebrates Records not yet compiled

Copyright 2020
Organic Countryside Community Interest Company
Trading as Walden Countryside
Company number 06794848 - registered in England
VAT No: 947 3003 317

Updated 1 December 2020